With over 2 billion users, Facebook has become the primary platform for many businesses to interact with their audience. With such an outstanding pool of users, there is a significant influx in the amount of content on someone’s feed. As a business or organization vying for viewership, if your post isn’t instantly appealing, you risk losing your audience’s attention. Therefore, it is important to learn how to effectively optimize the reach of your messages.

5 Tips to Optimize Your Post’s Reach

1. Post at the Best Time

Posting at the right time is one of the most important factors when planning your message. Unfortunately, there is no universal “best time” to post because every business has their own unique audience. This means you must analyze your specific data in Facebook’s Business Manager settings. Once you do, you can determine the exact time your posts maximize outreach to your audience and schedule future posts around it.

2. Track Competitors

A key factor in optimizing your posts exposure is to compare your success to your competitors. Using the Business Manager “Competitor Analysis” settings, you can check if your posts are receiving more interactions than your competitors. If not, don’t panic. Take the time to analyze your competitor’s strategy. Are they posting later in the day? Are their posts more visually appealing? With that being said, do not try to mimic another business’s Facebook page. You must focus on keeping your content unique and specific to your brand.

3. Create Snackable Content

‘Snackable’ content is content that’s quick and easy to read. No one has time or wants to read a long, wordy post. Instead, try a quick informational video or an infographic to get your audience’s attention. Think of it like a snack. If you are in a rush, would you eat a bag of chips or a full entree? Probably the bag of chips. Essentially, don’t keep your audience waiting to get the main point of your message.

4. Keep Your Content Interactive

In order to maximize your post’s reach, you must create interactive and engaging content. An effective way to do so is by including a call-to-action in your post. If you are a non-profit trying to fund a project, include a link to your donation page. If you are a clothing store looking for feedback, tell customers to comment their thoughts on your post. This technique will keep your audience involved and invested in your brand.

5. Develop Brand Personality

To ensure that your posts remain interesting, be sure to vary your content. As a business, it is important to post the products or services you are selling. However, posting interesting articles, news updates, or philanthropic projects will help define your values and interests as an organization. Develop a personality that allows your audience to associate their personal experiences and beliefs with your company. If your customers personal values align with your company, they are more likely to continue interacting with your Facebook page.

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